Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 88

We're still counting days because Riley has yet to make it home. She's showing a lot of promise though, thanks to the awesome nurses that have been taking care of her. After 88 days, you get to know the NICU staff really well, and there's some very special people there that really care about our girls. We actually talked with the doctor about bringing Riley home today, but decided another day or two might be best, just to make sure she doesn't regress again. We don't want her home till she's 100%. The last we want is to bring her home only to end up back in the hospital. Reese has been at home for 3 full days now. We're really getting to know her now that we're with her 24hrs a day and Conor is finally getting to be a big brother. He adores his little sister and is a big help. I wonder what he'll do when there's 2 of them.
We'll get some pictures uploaded when things settle down, probably by next Christmas.

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