Reese weighs 2695grams (6lbs) and Riley is at 2670 (5lbs 14oz). Since we last posted info, we moved out to a seperate room called the annex. This is for overflow when they have too many babies in the NICU. It was nice while it lasted because we had a window! We were out there until yesterday and we moved back into a private room. The girls are great. They had their final head ultrasound and both are fine. Riley has been spitting up alot so she had an upper GI done a few days ago to see if there was on obstruction or something. I was able to go into the x-ray room with her and watch her do the swallow test. They didn't find an obstruction just that she has reflux. So they decided today to put her on a wedge which is an incline of 45 degrees and see if this helps. They also have a formula that is thin until it is swallowed then it expands. So this will be a little heavier in her stomach and maybe it will not come back up. I don't know how long she will be on this formula we will just what happens. She is still on 2 bottles a day and will not eat. Reese is doing great! She is up to 8 bottles a day. They let her eat when she wants and how ever much she wants. But right now she seems a little tired when eating. We hope she will be home in a few days. She just needs to build her strength up so she can eat all of her bottles. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas cards. If I missed someone, please let me know I have more I can send out. I bought the girls' dresses at Burlington Coat Factory, they have a pretty good preemie selection. The hospital had their Christmas tree set up in the corner where we were so we used it as the background. Santa Clause is coming into the NICU on Friday so they will be able to get their pictures taken with him! It will be alot of fun.
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