The girls are gaining weight really quick! Reese is 1730 (3lbs 13oz) and Riley is 1720 (3lbs 13oz). They were born Reese 940 (2lbs 1 oz) and Riley 910 (2lbs 0oz). We looked back at how low they dropped before coming back up Reese 850 (1lb 150z) and Riley 780 (1lb 12oz).
They were moved to a regular open crib today. Their temp is staying regular. Our goal now is to get them to start bottle feeding. They are only allowed to try 2 bottles per day if they show signs they want it. It is alot of work for them so we can't push them. They only get to eat for 3o minutes then we push the rest in the tube. They will burn too many calories if they try to eat longer. They are still trying to figure out how to breath, suck and swallow at the same time. Reese is doing really good! I fed her 15mLs today and Riley didn't want to wake up so we just let her sleep and pushed her milk through her tube.
Conor's pirate birthday party was a success! He had a great time at the House of Bounce with all his friends. We can't believe he will be 3 on Sunday. He is such a great kid. On Monday, Tom was dressed for work in his blues with a tie. Conor said to him, "daddy, you have your work shirt and a tie on..... I am so proud of you". I had the best birthday! Conor was able to see the girls through the glass door. He saw them and said wow... and tried to touch them through the glass. When Tom and the nurse went to put them back he said, "but they have to come with me". We can't wait to bring them home so we can be a family!!
I love the pictures of the girls all cuddled up together. They are so precious. It looks like they are doing wonderful! Has there been any talk of when they might get to go home?