Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Girls

As of yesterday, both of the girls are doing great! Riley is down alot from her birth weight so they are changing her fluids. Her heart murmur seems to be softer. That could be a sign that the PDA is finally closing. Reese is still doing good. Her weight is a little down from birth but that is normal. They changed her fluids too. They both potty alot which is good, they just pee out what they need so they are a little dehydrated. The change in fluids will help this. They expect them to lose 10% of their birth weight. They are both on room air and have nasal prongs in their nose. This is just forced air but not oxygen. They call it thermal flow. Both girls started at 3.5%. Reese is down to 3% and Riley should be moved to 3% today. As long as their blood oxygen level stays up and they are not laboring to breath, they will keep moving it down by 1/2%. Their bili levels are going down, so they may take their tanning light away soon.

Conor, he is doing great. He is not allowed in the NICU b/c of swine flu. If you ask him where his little sisters are he says, "at mommies hospital growing bigger". He sees pictures and gets really excited.

Tom and I are doing good too. Just trying to be with Conor as much as we can and with the girls. Alot of going back and forth to the hospital but that is what we have to do. We both have been able to hold the girls. We have been holding one of them a day. Today we may each hold one. They just let us sit back and relax with them for a couple of hours. They are so sweet!!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that the girls are progressing well! Thank you for keeping us updated. I know it is hard with everything you have going on. Please give the girls and Conor a kiss from Aunt Meghann, Uncle Chris, Michael and Nicole!
