Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 30, 2009

Above - Conor holding Jack.. he is getting great practice!
First time to hold them together! We wonder if they remember each other. Reese has the pink hat on

Day 27
To clarify, the girls were in a level 3 nicu when they were born. We have stepped down to level 2. Same building, just across the hall. Tom was able to kangaroo hold (skin to skin) both the girls tonight at the same time. Riley is up to 2lbs 7oz and Reese is 2lbs 9oz. They are both doing really good. We hope they will be able to co-bed within the next couple of weeks.
Conor is doing good too! He talks about his sisters. He says he can hold Reese and I can hold Riley. This morning he gave me a big hug and said "mommy, you're my favorite son"... it was soo cute!! Tonight we brought the laptop up to the hospital and we did the webcam with him. He was able to see his little sisters! He kept saying wow and ahhh.... Out little guy is getting so big!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26, 2009

Above - Riley, she loved her bath!!
Above - Reese, she never cried during her bath, but she wasn't quite sure what to think..ha/ha

Well, we haven't posted over the weekend because things were pretty calm and quiet. Both girls are now without any IVs, so we were able to give them baths. Riley got a bath on Saturday and Reese got one today. The girls really enjoyed there time in the "spa." See the pictures. You can also go to our other website to see lots more pictures, look in the top right of this page for the link.
The really good news... neither the Doctor or the nurse have heard a heart murmur in Reese over the last 2 days. We have not had an echocardiogram to confirm it yet, but she's currently not showing any signs or symptoms of a PDA. Riley has been weened down to 3.5lpm on her vapotherm. They both have been on room air (no supplemental oxygen).
Also, the girls have graduated to the other side of the NICU. The NICU is divided into 2 sides, one side has the more critical babies and that's the side that all the new "admins" go to. The other side houses the bigger and less critical babies. Our girls were moved to the other side, not so much because they reached a milestone, but really becasue it was getting crowded where they were and Reese and Riley were the most stable babies to move.
Both girls HCT level are being watched. HCT tells them if they are producing red blood cells. If this number is below 35 they could need a blood transfusion. Both girls are a little low so they are receiving an Epo shot 3 times a week (mon/wed/frid). This is a hormone to help them to produce red blood cells. We understand that they could get this shot for a while, which is better than a blood transfusion. So we pray that it works. We will keep you posted. They get their first shot tonight.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oct 23, 2009

Sorry, it's been a short while since our last update. There was really nothing new to report, everything was "status quo" for a few days. Yesterday, we had some minor setbacks. First, both girls lots their PICC (central lines). These lines are central IVs. They thread a catheter into an arm or leg and into a larger vein. This allows for larger amount of fluids to be introduced into their blood without worrying about irritation or overload that may occur with a normal IV.
Since both girls are progressing very well on their milk feedings, the loss of the PICC line is not a huge concern right now, but it does limit the amount nutrients they are getting.
We also learned yesterday that Reese's PDA re-opened. We were unaware that this was a possibility, but it was confirmed on an echocardiogram. The Dr. has decided not to treat with Indocin yet, he'll just monitor Reese and see if the PDA caused any "stress." So far, Reese has been doing well.
Riley has not used supplemental oxygen for almost 3 days now, she's doing great. Riley also finally broke the 1000gram mark, she is currently weighing in at 1020grams. (2 lb, 4 oz)
Reese's current weight is 1150g (2lb 8 oz), she's slowing down a little and allowing her sister to catch up.
Conor has finally recovered from his cold and is doing well. I really wish he could see his sisters. He's going to be a great big brother. He got his flu shot yesterday and keeps telling everyone about how "that man" pinched him and checked the muscle in his arm.
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oct 21, 2009

Above is Reese laid back enjoying her lunch!
Above, the nurses are all awsome! We played around and they did plaster molds of their hands. The one on the left is Reese and the right is Riley. That is a quarter if you can't tell. You can see their wrinkles, veins, finger nails.... it is really cool. It will be something they will have when they get older to see just how small they are. Maybe we will do their feet next!
Day 18 in the NICU. The girls are doing great. Riley is up to 1/2oz of breastmilk per feeding and is continuing to go up every 12 hours. We are hoping by this weekend she will no longer be on any IV fluids and just on breastmilk and caffine. She weighs in at 970grams (2lbs 2oz). Reese isn't up to 1/2oz yet but will be there very soon. Maybe by next week she will also be off of IV fluids and just on breastmilk. She is weighing in at 1130grams (2lbs 8oz). Tom and I continue to hold the girls everyday.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oct 18, 2009

Above - Riley 10/19/09 Below Reese 10/19/09

Here is a picture of Reese from today! I think she looks alot like Conor did as a baby.
A good day today. Reese is up to a whopping 1090 grams (2lb, 6oz) and Riley is up to 945 grams (2 lb, 1oz). Reese has one day left on her anitbiotics. Not a whole lot going on. We are still getting to hold them everyday. We sit there and watch them sleep and grow. More to come later......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 17, 2009

We found out earlier this morning that Reese's pda closed! So now she is back on her feedings. Her weight this evening was 2lbs 6oz! She even looks like she has a double chin already. Riley is doing great too. She weighed in at 2lbs 1oz! When they were born they stayed in humidity. Now they are both off humidity. Still watching both of their blood oxygen levels. Both still have to have a little oxygen to keep their levels up. That's all for now!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct 16, 2009

Day 13 already! Riley weighs 930 now and Reese weighs 1020. Riley is doing great. They have increased her feedings and will continue to increase them every 12 hours. Reese is the same. She had her last dose of indocin today at 4:00. We hope she gets her echocardiogram tomorrow sometime so we know if her pda closed or not. She will stay off her feedings until we get results.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 15, 2009

Well, another hurdle we have to jump over. The last couple of days the nurses have heard a heart murmur on Reese. Today she had an echocardiogram and has an open PDA. The doctors decided to go ahead and treat her. So she had her 1st of 3 doses of indocin today at 4:30. We will know Saturday morning if the medicine worked or not. We have decided that Reese was jealous of her sister getting all the attention so it is her turn now. Please pray that the medicine works like it did for Riley! Reese will be taken off of her feedings until we get the results Saturday.

Reese weighs 970 and Riley weighs 900

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oct 14, 2009

the girls are doing great. Reese weighs 950 grams and Riley is 905 grams. Riley had her 3 doses of indocin and had her echocardiogram this evening. The cardiologist said that her PDA has closed!! It was great news tonight. Her chest x-ray was good also. So now they will start her feedings back up tonight.

So we jumped over another hurdle! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

Things are going pretty well. Both girls have turned the corner on their weight loss and having been packing on the "grams." Riley is up to 835 grams (1lb 15oz), and Reese has surpassed her birthweight and is now weighing in at 850 grams (2lb 2oz).
Riley has experienced a minor set back today. She was diagnosed with a small PDA (Persistent Ductus Arteriosus) the day after she was born. The PDA presented itself as a heart murmur and was confirmed via echocardiogram. PDA is a blood vessel near the heart that normally closes after birth, but which can stay open, especially in premature babies. Many times, a PDA needs to be closed, either with medications (up to 3 cycles) or if that doesn't work, then with surgery. The medication used to correct the PDA is Indocin. Indocin has some rare but "nasty" side effects, such as blood clotting, and in extreme cases it can cause a tear in the bowel. The Dr's approach when the PDA was first diagnosed was to not medicate and see if it could correct itself. For 7 days things were fine, but starting on Sunday, Riley was experiencing some minor respiratory "distress." Basically, she went from breathing "room" air (21% oxygen) to needing some supplemental oxygen, eventually breathing air that was 40% oxygen just so she could keep blood oxygen level up. Another echocardiogram was performed today and it showed the PDA has gotten larger. So Riley started the first cycle of Indocin today and should be done by tomorrow afternoon. (it's 3 doses total, 1 every 12 hrs) Unfortunately, Riley's fluids have to be restricted while on this medication and her feedings have to be stopped, this is all done to relax to bowels. So, we will expect her weight to decrease again, but we're sure she'll bounce back quick. Once the PDA is closed, she will be back to herself. She won't have any side effects.

We will let you know tomorrow late evening what we find out. Everyone is very positive that the medication will work! Kerrie did get to hold her today and she did great.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oct 12, 2009

Reese was taken off of her photo therapy today! Now we can see her face anytime we want. She is doing great. They both have the nasal prongs in their nose. It is forced air and started at 3.5LPM(liters per minute). Reese is down to 2.5 now and still on room air! Riley, she is having a little harder time keeping her blood oxygen rate up. Her 1st week she was on room air at 3.5. Now they are giving her a little more oxygen and keeping her flow at 3.5. The nurse said she thinks Riley is just now figuring out that she is a This is something that will go up and down for who knows how long.

They're gaining the weight back they lost. They are not at their birth weight yet, but not too far from it.

Conor's update: He is sick today. Running a little bit of a fever so I hope it goes away soon. We are not supposed to go see the girls if anyone in the house has a cough, fever...for 1 week after it goes away. We can't risk getting the girls or any of the babies in the NICU sick. So today we just didn't hold them. Which is really hard, becasue when we hold them, they seem to do really good and it helps them to grow.

That's all for now. I am going to run back up there this evening. If anything changes, I will be sure to post an update!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct 11, 2009

Riley top picture, Reese bottom picture. Today was another good day. Reese hasn't really changed. She is still under photo therapy but we hope she gets off of it tomorrow. Riley was taken off her photo therapy today. It is nice because she doesn't have to wear the goggles anymore and we can see her face. I think she will be more happy now that she can be wrapped up tight.

The Girls

As of yesterday, both of the girls are doing great! Riley is down alot from her birth weight so they are changing her fluids. Her heart murmur seems to be softer. That could be a sign that the PDA is finally closing. Reese is still doing good. Her weight is a little down from birth but that is normal. They changed her fluids too. They both potty alot which is good, they just pee out what they need so they are a little dehydrated. The change in fluids will help this. They expect them to lose 10% of their birth weight. They are both on room air and have nasal prongs in their nose. This is just forced air but not oxygen. They call it thermal flow. Both girls started at 3.5%. Reese is down to 3% and Riley should be moved to 3% today. As long as their blood oxygen level stays up and they are not laboring to breath, they will keep moving it down by 1/2%. Their bili levels are going down, so they may take their tanning light away soon.

Conor, he is doing great. He is not allowed in the NICU b/c of swine flu. If you ask him where his little sisters are he says, "at mommies hospital growing bigger". He sees pictures and gets really excited.

Tom and I are doing good too. Just trying to be with Conor as much as we can and with the girls. Alot of going back and forth to the hospital but that is what we have to do. We both have been able to hold the girls. We have been holding one of them a day. Today we may each hold one. They just let us sit back and relax with them for a couple of hours. They are so sweet!!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Our New Blog

We decided to start this blog to make it easier for us to give updates to everyone. We will post updates on Conor and the girls. We will also try and post some pictures or let you know when we upload pictures to our website

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.