Sorry, it's been a short while since our last update. There was really nothing new to report, everything was "status quo" for a few days. Yesterday, we had some minor setbacks. First, both girls lots their PICC (central lines). These lines are central IVs. They thread a catheter into an arm or leg and into a larger vein. This allows for larger amount of fluids to be introduced into their blood without worrying about irritation or overload that may occur with a normal IV.
Since both girls are progressing very well on their milk feedings, the loss of the PICC line is not a huge concern right now, but it does limit the amount nutrients they are getting.
We also learned yesterday that Reese's PDA re-opened. We were unaware that this was a possibility, but it was confirmed on an echocardiogram. The Dr. has decided not to treat with Indocin yet, he'll just monitor Reese and see if the PDA caused any "stress." So far, Reese has been doing well.
Riley has not used supplemental oxygen for almost 3 days now, she's doing great. Riley also finally broke the 1000gram mark, she is currently weighing in at 1020grams. (2 lb, 4 oz)
Reese's current weight is 1150g (2lb 8 oz), she's slowing down a little and allowing her sister to catch up.
Conor has finally recovered from his cold and is doing well. I really wish he could see his sisters. He's going to be a great big brother. He got his flu shot yesterday and keeps telling everyone about how "that man" pinched him and checked the muscle in his arm.
Thanks for reading.